This page is provided for your reading pleasure. The most recent entries appear at the top of each category. Sorry there isn’t more, but I do most of my writing in French. Still, you never know what might pop up here.
- What I learned from NaNoWriMo
- In 2002, I took part in the National Novel Writing Month. The challenge was to write a 50,000-word novel in 30 days. The ordeal made me a little bit wiser; here’s what I learned.
- DA STMT OF RNDY CRTR (The Statement of Randy Carter)
- A spoof of an old short story by H.P. Lovecraft, master of spooky, cosmic terrors. It’s a bit of an inside joke, really, and it’s got some language Lovecraft wasn’t used to. There, you’ve been warned.
- Stranded on the Twelfth
- An elevator story, based largely on fact (well, the beginning anyway).
- The Double God
- A natural complement to the above story, and an exemple of how whole mythologies can be found just across the hall. This story ties in to a number of sock theories, but I won’t get into this just now…