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From this page, you can buy the scaffolding as a gift and have it sent to the person of your choice. To order the scaffolding for yourself, visit the main scaffolding page instead.
The whole package (the files and the related know-how) is offered for $29. The scaffolding is a finished product, but may still evolve as I find yet better ways to handle certain aspects of novel-writing. The recipient of your gift will receive a free update if I produce a new version.
Guarantee: if the recipient feels the scaffolding is not the right system for him or her and prefers not to use it, simply write to the address below within 55 days of your date of payment. You will receive a full refund.
The button below will take you to a transaction page where you will be able to pay via credit card or through a PayPal account. Near the end of the purchase process, you will see a text field labeled «Gift for». In that field, write the name and email address of the person to whom you’re giving the scaffolding. The scaffolding will be sent to that person on your behalf.
Please note that PayPal can be picky when accepting credit cards; if it doesn’t work for you, email me and we’ll come to another arrangement.
If you encounter any problems — or if you want to ask questions before you buy — write to me at:
scaffolding ericgauthier.net